Advising US based company on intellectual property matters
Added on 15.12.2014
The office advises the US based company on intellectual property matters in transport and toy industry. We filed Community design and Community trade mark applications to safeguard the intellectual property rights of our client.
Filing numerous trade mark applications on behalf of well-known Latvian radio broadcaster
Added on 05.11.2014
We file numerous trade mark applications forming a trade mark family on behalf of a well-known Latvian radio broadcaster and its subsidiaries.
Filing a trade mark infringement claim and seeking damages
Added on 24.10.2014
Our client files a trade mark infringement and damages claim with the court. The client is a franchisee of a well-known trade mark in Latvia in retail services. The trade mark is unlawfully used in advertising to rent prestigious premises without consent of the trade mark owner or franchisee.
Advising well-known Latvian professional sportsman on personality merchandising
Added on 14.09.2014
The office advises a well-known Latvian professional sportsman on personality merchandising. We created a step by step guide for our client on how to manage and profit from intellectual property rights in sports industry.